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Chinese translation for "parlor tricks"


Related Translations:
parlor:  短语和例子parlo(u)rn.1.〔古、方〕起居室。2.客厅;会客室;接待室。3.〔美国〕养业室;办公室;摄影室;诊室,手术室;停尸场。4.(旅馆等的)休息室。短语和例子a billiard parlor 弹子房。 a dental parlor 牙科诊室。 a beauty parlor 美容室。 an ice-cream parlor 冷饮店。adj.1.客厅的;适于
dating parlor:  (尤指男女学生的)幽会。
parlor maid:  (负责开门、侍候餐桌的)客厅女仆。
parlor pink:  只会空谈的温和激进派。
parlor guest:  〔美国〕受欢迎的包饭人。
parlor girl:  parlor girl =parlor maid.
parlor boarder:  (出高价住在校长家里的)特别寄宿生。
parlor match:  〔美国〕(不含硫磺的)安全火柴。
sky parlor:  阁楼;最上层的房间。
parlor end:  〔美国〕公事车的后部。
Example Sentences:
1.Improvisation is a parlor trick . anyone can do it
2.It was a joke , a little parlor trick that you and sammy played
3.It was a joke , a little parlor trick that you and sammy played
4.Quite the parlor trick
5.Indiana jones and the temple of doom ( 1984 ) - the chilled monkey brains and eyeball soup were just parlor tricks : it was the " snake surprise " that was the real centerpiece to indy ' s most famous meal
夺宝奇兵2之魔宫传奇? ?冷冻的猴脑和眼球汤只是客厅里的恶作剧:这是印地安真正的最重要的主菜。
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